Hunt: Showdown Twitch Drops Have Just Been Revealed New
Hunt: Showdown Twitch Drops of 2024 are about to go live, here is everything you need to know on unlocking Lulu, Kill Buyer, The Infected, Billy Story and More!
New Hunt: Showdown Twitch Drops have been announced and will soon be going live. All you need to do is watch any Hunt: Showdown streamer during the Tide of Corruption Twitch Drops (3 pm UTC on February 23rd, 2024, to 3 pm UTC on March 1st, 2024.) to earn free in-game rewards. The rewards are a doozy and could include a chance to get some very sought-after previous legendaries. These include:
- Lulu
- Kill Buyer
- Billy Story
- Steel Eyed
- The Infected
- Umpire’s Bane
You can read all about it on their official website:
How To Get Hunt Showdown: Twitch Drops
Getting the drops on Twitch involves simply linking your account here:, logging into Twitch, and watching any Hunt: Showdown Streamer. Certain rewards may require watching a “Hunter Partner”. To receive the full list, you may need to note who you are watching. This page acts as a FAQ showing all the details on the drops.
New Hunt Showdown: Twitch Drops Details:

During the Hunt Showdown: Twitch Drops Campaign, between February 23rd – March 1st, 2024, you can earn 5 Supply Crates, a Weapon Charm, a Legendary Weapon Skin, and a random Legendary Hunter. The random legendary is very exciting. This is a chance you could unlock a very sought-after Hunter.
Some of the items in this Drops Campaign can only be earned by watching Night of the Hunters/Crytek Partners, while others can be earned by watching any participating Hunt streamer during the days outlined above.
Full details:
Night of the Hunter/Crytek Partner “Swallow’s Tail” Legendary Winfield Centennial Drop:
February 23rd – 25th, 2024
- Watch any “Night of the Hunter” Partner streamer for 210 minutes to unlock the Winfield M1876 Centennial “Swallow’s Tail” Legendary Weapon Skin.
This Drop can only be earned by watching “Night of the Hunter” Partners.
“Molted Curio” Weapon Charm Drop:
February 25th – March 1st, 2024
- Watch any participating Hunt: Showdown streamer to unlock the “Molted Curio” Weapon Charm.
Random Legendary Hunter from Hunt: Showdown Twitch Drops
This is by far the most intriguing aspect of these drops, as many hunters are likely excited about a chance at getting the Lulu legendary skin. This and other skins from previous Twitch Drops. The details from the official site state:
- Watch any participating Hunt: Showdown streamer from February 25th to March 1st, 2024 for 240 minutes to permanently unlock a random Legendary Hunter.
- Previous Twitch Drop Hunters will have priority. If you are missing one from the list, you will unlock one of:
- Lulu
- Kill Buyer
- Billy Story
- Steel Eyed
- The Infected
- Umpire’s Bane
- If you own all previous Twitch Drops Hunters, you will unlock a random Legendary Hunter. This Hunter comes from the list of Blood Bond Hunters. There is a very small chance you will unlock Bad Hand.
- If you already own all previous Twitch Drops and Blood Bond Hunters, you will receive 10,000 Hunt Dollars.
What’s in the Supply Crates?
Each Supply Crate contains a random collection of the following items:
- Legendary Hunter Instances (Single Use)
- Weapon Instances
- Tool Instances
- Consumable Instances
- A random amount of Hunt Dollars
Join The Discussion on Hunt Showdown: Twitch Drops
Hunt: Showdown Twitch Drops Tweet
To help celebrate the 6th anniversary of Hunt: Showdown, how about some Twitch Drops? Excited? So are we! 🎉
— Hunt: Showdown (@HuntShowdown) February 20, 2024
Here's a look at what's up for grabs (and when) this time around. If you've got any questions, check out our mighty handy FAQ here:
Hunt: Showdown Twitch Drops On Reddit
what did crytek mean by this?
byu/KarEnTuk inHuntShowdown
Hunt: Showdown Currently 65% off
If you are for some reason reading this and don’t currently own Hunt, now is the perfect time. The current Steam sale is priced at 65% off, and there are loads of awesome DLCs on sale as well. This is a great time to get yourself some awesome skins get ready for Hunt’s Big Update, and be ready for the launch of Desolation’s Wake.
This article is in no way affiliated with Hunt: Showdown. It is not sponsored, and a majority of these images are owned by Crytek and the makers of Hunt: Showdown.
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