New Hunt: Showdown Pro-Tips and Upcoming Projects

What I have been up to, the newest Hunt: Showdown ProTips videos, and upcoming projects from Wolf Merrik and other musical endeavors.

Pro Tips From A Three Star Patience

Pro Tips From A Three Star Patience

I just wanted to share a quick rundown on this website, some of the projects I am working on, and share what is happening with myself and the media that I create.

Latest Videos

I wanted to go over some of the latest video projects I have been working on and share my most recent work here.

Pro-Tips for Hunt: Showdown

I have been posting steadily videos from my Hunt: Showdown Pro Tips Series. Episode 08 came out today, and I have had a two-week release schedule since I posted the first one on Reddit. I really appreciate the warm reception of them. Since doing so, I have gained over 150 subscribers on the @WolfMerrik YouTube.

Pro Tips From a Three-Star – Patience

Patience is not to ever be confused with inaction, let’s take a look at what I mean:

Pro Tips From a Three-Star – Always Pay Attention

Its wise to always pay attention in the swamps of Hunt: Showdown, and here is why:

Upcoming Videos

As you might have noticed, the song at the end of these videos has been greatly well-received. Since writing at recording it as a joke, I have worked on it substantially. Creating a full music video for this is in the works, with a few props on the way in the mail. I even bought a damn green screen to make this masterpiece complete.

More Work

Work on a lot of the things related to this site has slowed, after the massive update I performed to my theme, I have taken some time off integrating my POD and other projects. With summer approaching, my son not being at school, and my hours at work expanding (due to a promotion mind you) I have had less time to work on other projects.

The focus of the site will take much more of a blog approach than it had in the past and should evolve gradually into that. This is simply because I don’t have enough time to provide another media outlet, and would rather my free time be focusing on video projects and other activities I enjoy.

Sadly this has also meant that streaming has again taken the back seat, although this is not something I want to be permanent but temporary. I would love to begin streaming again, particularly in Hunt. Sadly, my time in playing games has even been lessened recently due to some health problems.

What Is Coming Next?

The upcoming videos as mentioned are my primary focus, as well as a light schedule of other things. I want this summer to really focus on the family, and other projects to arise naturally rather than feel like work. I still plan to:

  • Set up the website’s shop
  • Focus on the second Hunt: Showdown video series
  • Complete that damn music video
  • Finish the EP with my Band
  • Eventually, get fully set up for streaming at least one day a week
  • Remaster all of my old music and put it on Spotify/YT Music

When this timeline will occur, I wish I could say. I really just wanted you to know I am working on my projects, and having a blast doing them! Thank you all for your support.

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