Hunt: Showdown, Takes a Unique Stance on Live Service Gaming
Hunt: Showdown manager talks about evolving the live service game, rather than simply rebranding it with a number and calling it a sequel.
A favorite of mine, Hunt: Showdown, is taking a unique approach to evolving its live service game. Unlike other major multiplayer shooters, Hunt: Showdown will not have a sequel anytime soon. Instead, the game will enter a new era of its own when it upgrades the CryEngine in 2024. This approach helps keep Hunt sustainable rather than effectively overwriting the game,
According to David Fifield, the general manager of Hunt: Showdown, the team has had internal conversations about renaming or rebranding the product with some major updates. However, they decided to continue as is and not set expectations of replacing it. “Declaring something to be a full sequel to a service game does create a lot of buzz certainly, but can also carry a backlash.” … “It involves rebuilding the player base, migrating to an entirely new installation of another title ID, or a significant branch of core mechanics or progression resets,” Fifield said in an interview with PC Gamer.
Fifield compared Hunt’s trajectory to Fortnite, which has gradually upgraded its tech behind the scenes and made a bigger deal out of systemic changes with its “Chapter” updates. The engine upgrade will allow Crytek to become more nimble in producing updates and trying out ideas. “Hunt can’t just stay on the same tech forever and stay competitive,” Fifield said. “There are things in Hunt that all of us dislike, that we want to fix, that somewhat are rooted in core technology.” Now, what those things are I honestly can only speculate on. I would personally hope this includes addressing the (at times rampant) cheating.

The true gem of the interview comes from when Fifield states “If you want to think of it as Hunt 2 you’re welcome to, but I’m not going to charge you, I’m not going to take away anything you’ve bought, I’m not going to decrease your value or your investment because I want you to keep playing.” This is just a fantastic jab (in a series of fantastic jabs) at games like Overwatch 2, Counter-Strike 2, Modern Warfare 3, etc.
In summary, Hunt: Showdown will not have a numeral or digit attached to its name anytime soon, but will still enter a new era in 2024. The engine upgrade will allow Crytek to become more nimble in producing updates and trying out ideas. Fifield plans to gradually upgrade under the hood and make a bigger deal out of systemic changes with “Chapter” updates. With discussed new maps, progression updates, and core/engine reworks, the bayou has a promising future for 2024.
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