New Hunt: Showdown Pro-Tips and Upcoming Projects
What I have been up to, the newest Hunt: Showdown ProTips videos, and upcoming projects from Wolf Merrik and other musical endeavors.
Boring updates regarding the website itself and other such matters.
What I have been up to, the newest Hunt: Showdown ProTips videos, and upcoming projects from Wolf Merrik and other musical endeavors.
Let's look at what media I am working on now, and what is down the road. Comments are more than welcome to help shape the future of this series.
I recently had my first experiences with Sticker Mule and wanted to share my opinions of the price, quality, and overall value of what I found.
The website is back online, and running much smoother and cleaner. All of this was in preparation for a massive update to the site.
The second video in my Hunt: Showdown ProTips from a 3star hunter series has launched. Here is what I have currently planned for it.
The Weird Wild West design series merges Lovecraftian horror with cowboys. Inspired by HP Lovecraft, 1895, The King in Yellow, Hunt: Showdown, True Detective
I have started speedrunning again, here is how you can see my latest runs and keep with my plans to start streaming again.
A whole slew of new Valentine's Day Designs Are Now Available featuring Cthulhu, Monsters, all with a Lovecraft loveday twist!
A look at how I am changing my Print On Demand networking structure as well as an update regarding upcoming comprehensive reviews on major sites.